Sunday, 30 March 2008


The clocks have gone forward an hour, so I had one less hour sleep than usual, and it was a bit of a rush getting to church for 9am (though it felt like 8am!), after mass I get changed and agree to be back before 2pm for lunch - Clare has brought the most beautiful looking piece of pork :-)

I head off on my usual 40 mile training circuit (though I haven't actually done this loop for a while! Out to Harlow, Sheering, Hatfield Heath, then on to the Rodings, up to High Roding (past a number of cyclists heading the opposite diriection) and round Dunmow before heading back home. Instead of heading straight back, I detour via Hatfield Broad Oak and Hatfield Heath (again), and turn back to Stortford.

About a mile from home I get to Hockerill lights and a woman in a very clean 4x4 decides to turn right showing complete disregard for whether I was going straight on or turning left. In anger I chased after the woman who had to stop at a pedestrian lights where I pointed out the error of her ways. Apparently she could read my mind and knew I was going to turn left, I wasn't polite.
Back home after 40 miles, clean the bike and get changed for a fantastic feast with the family! Thanks for lunch Clare!

After lunch we head out to Hatfield Forest, for once it is nice to walk with Clare behind the kids while they head off into the distance on their bikes!

Oh - and Joe has a new bike at last!

Saturday, 29 March 2008


Picked up a text message from Tim last night saying he couldn't do a ride on Saturday, so I decided that instead of the 120 mile loop we had planned, I'd tackle a 70 mile loop - given the weather forecast, I thought that was about as much as I'd get away with before the rain set in!

I headed out towards Baldock via Braughing, after about 5 miles I had to cycle through a flooded road (about a foot deep), so much for keeping dry! Has to stop for directrions in Braughing as there is a ford through the main road and I wanted to make sure that was the way I had to go! Then I realised that there was a bridge across for pedestrians - so I took that to try to stay dry! Carried on to Hare Street, and then on to Buntingford, bright but very breezy!

I planned the route to head out West and come back East - the weather forcast indicated strong westerly winds, so a tail wind on the way back was going to be more favourable!

The road from Buntingford to Baldock (the A507) is not really what I would class an A road. It is very narrow, lots of 90 degree bends, some good hills - up and down, and a reasonable amount of traffic. The road is popular with bikers (the motor powered sort), and there are a few out today swooping in and out of the traffic - I really don't understand the attraction!

Through Baldock, Letchworth and then down the hill to Hitchin, where I stopped at a petrol station to go to the toilet! I had a sandwich too - to keep up the energy levels, but when I got back on to my bike I noticed my front tyre had a slow puncture. I decided to just replace the tube, and if I got another puncture then I'd have to repair it properly...

Off with the wheel, the type, the tube, out with the new tub, replace tube/tyre, out with the CO2 canister pump up the type - BANG!!!

Oops! I think the tube got trapped in the tyre! Scared a few people in the petrol station! Anyway, I was looking a little bemused at this point, as for some reason I don't have a hand pump on my bike, and I asked a lady if there was a local bike shop - luckily there was one about 200 yards up the road - Paul's Bikes of Hitchin!

I dragged my bike to the shop to find it was a Specialized stockist! A proper bike shop! The guy in the shop looked a little surprised at my request for a new tube - and a pump - maybe I should have been better prepared! Anyway, he sorted the bike out and supplied me with an additional tube and a pump for about £30. I'm just glad that the puncture didn't happen in the middle of nowhere. I think I need to practise tyre changes - I think I'd be at a complete loss if I had to sort out a pucture in the rear tyre on my own!!

Anyway, On with the ride, I headed up a very long hill out of Hitchin towards Luton on the A505 - a very busy road, round the airport (still into the wind at this point), and then onto smaller quiter roads to Wheathampstead. I stop outstide a local football ground after 45 miles miles for a short rest and to call home to explain why I was going to be later than expected. The rain was still holding off at this point!

On to Welwyn Garden City, and then just as I get to the A414 to Hertford it happens. I noticed that the westerly wind I had expected to carry me home was more of a southerly wind, very strong and pelting me with rain from the right hand side! Nice. Anyway, I slog it out and eventually make to Hertford, then through Ware, and towards Harlow. I take the back road through Harlow, snacking on Malt Loaf in the torrential rain, while trying to get home as quickly as possible! Through Sawbridgeworth and on home - an hour later than planned, and very wet!

Still a good ride of 73 miles and I plan to do another 40 miles tomorrow...

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Keeping it going...

For the first time in a while I set my alarm for 5:40am to get a few miles in before work. I only have about an hour of time so I'm looking to do about 16 miles. I back using the small cog for higher cadence work on short rides. It's a bit slower, but I'm sure it is a better workout.

Light drizzle this morning, but it is refresshing. I think I've missed the early starts! It really does put you in a better frame of mind for the day.

Back home just after 7am, time for a shower and shave, breakfast with Clare and the kids before heading off to work. Legs don't feel too bad after the ride, which I'm hoping is a good sign for long the ride at the weekend!

Monday, 24 March 2008

Solo 50+

The kids had a great day with Clive and Tersa yesterday. Joe played "rugby" with Grandad, there was a even a bit of golf in the garden, despite the snow! Oh and we built snowmen outside the college.

I went out on the bike about 9:30am on a 50+ mile route after Tim had called to say he was still decorating! A new route - out to Standon on the A120, down the old A10 (up and down some nice hills), to Ware (yes Rob - near Hertford), along the A414 to Harlow on the dual carriageway out to Leaden Roding, Dunmow (stop for a rest at 40 miles) and home along the old A120 via Takely.

Again, the last 10-15 miles we are hard slog against the wind, but worse still my legs still feel empty, and the back of my right knee aches (this started after using the big cog on the 105mile team ride).

I get home and spend the rest of the day finishing assembling things in the study - going to bed at 1am with very tired legs and an 9am workshop in the morning. Not sure what my cycling plans are this week yet...

My dilemma is... Do I continue to cycle with aching legs, or do I let them rest? Maybe I need to do more stretching...

Saturday, 22 March 2008


After my ride yesterday I started assembling things from IKEA for our study. However there were a number of additional bits needed, and a couple of damaged parts (from the stuff we had delivered). I had agreed to go on a ride with Tim at 12:30pm, so I went off to IKEA to take stuff back and get the extra stuff.

I sit and wait in a queue to return stuff.

I find the extra stuff I need - minus 1 drawer (arrrgggghhh!).

I stand in the queue at the check out for 40 mins.

I hate IKEA. The stuff is ok, but the shopping experience is just awful.

I leave about midday, just as Tim calls. He has a hole in his floor. Things are not looking good for a ride together today. We decide to put off our plans till Monday.

I get home and continue to assemble stuff, we have a Teams of Our Lady meeting at 5:30pm (bring and share meal - shame Kevin had to leave early to fly a plane to Germany), plus the Easter Vigil mass at 7:30pm. We drop the kids off home - Charlie the babysitter puts them to bed (he earned his money tonight!) - and head off for the 2 hour spectacular at church. Oh and Resurrection Drinks at Rachel and Kevin's, home about 11:30pm...

Clive and Teresa are coming for lunch tomorrow - we have a big tidy up job to do in the morning!!

Friday, 21 March 2008

Good Friday!

Isobel isn't feeling well today, so the planned Church's Together service at the United Reformed church is only attended by Clare and Joe. I stay at home with the girls. Isobel perks up, has a bath and gets dressed. We join Clare and Joe on the Walk of Witness through the town. After a hot cross bun, we head up to the Catholic church where Canon Eddie leads a service explaining the Stations of the Cross to over 50 children! It's also a lot sunnier than forecast.

We have lunch together at home, and Clare suggests going out on the bike. I get my stuff on and do the first 20 miles quite happily. The the wind changed direction, picked up and hurled sleet into my face! All against the wind on the way back, but refreshing! I complete the 34 mile circuit in about 2 hours, but my feet are like ice.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Not so fast...

Monday drift's by and it's Tuesday morning. Clare encourages me to get out on the bike before work, I'm out at 6am and it's a cold clear morning. I am still tired from the weekend's ride, but manage the first 20 miles at about 17mph, which felt good. The next 12 miles were ok, but slower and the last few miles there is nothing much left in the legs! Still 32 miles before work - I shouldn't complain!

I have early starts for work for the next 2 days, so no chance to get out on the bike again till Friday - also need to sort out a ride with Tim.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Follow-up rides?

Sunday 16 Mar 2008

I was planning to do a 40 mile ride today, but it's chucking it down with rain and very windy! It's also Palm Sunday, so I'm going to mass with the family today. The mass was great for the children, Canon Eddie invite the children up onto the alter for his homily and really encourages them to take part in the mass. Clare is helping Isobel and a few other girls in the children's choir while I try to keep Joe and Amy in line!

Instead of going out on the bike, I enjoyed a fantastic sunday lunch - thanks Clare! I play on the Wii with Joseph - Carnival Games is lots of fun, and I play lots of games with Amy, including My First Monopoly, matching games, shopping and Whot!.

An enjoyable day though I Clare did notice I was a bit twitchy about not going out on the bike!

Saturday, 15 March 2008

The Chain Gang...

Sat 15 Mar 2008

Last night was a bit frantic, I managed to get home from work in time to put the bike rack on the car and pack my cycling stuff for the weekend before taking Joe to football. Joe's football skills are really improving, he's had two "Player of the Day" awards in the last week - this is probably down to the amount of football they play at school in break times.

We got back about 7:45pm and celebrated Isobel's baptims day, with Isobel blowing out the candle on her cake! Managed to get Amy and Joe in bed by about 8:20pm and Isobel read to herself. Clare had the Beavers' leader Mick coming round to go through stuff this evening. I left about 8:30pm and picked up Tim from the station, loaded his bike onto the bike rack and we made our way off to Guildford, arriving about 10:15pm.

By the time we had unloaded, had a chat and some lovely curry, it was time to get some sleep as we are off at 7am in the morning.

The alarm woke me at 6am, made some porridge, ate some muffins, tea and orange juice. A good breakfast! All of a sudden it was time to go, a frantic 5 mins getting stuff on and we were off just after 7am.

Ciaran's son is in a play in Guildford at midday, so we plan to do about 50-60 miles together before he heads back and leaves us to complete our 100 miles. There's an easy ride down the hill into Guildford, followed by a long slow hill up to the A31 which we join and head off towards Winchester. After about 4 miles Simon decides to stop quite abruptly in a laybay and we all nearly pile into the back of each other.

We get a quick lesson on team riding and communication. Shout "easy" if you feel yourself drop off the back of the rider in front. Shout "all on" when everyone is back together again. Shout "stopping" if you are leading and want to stop! We head off again and ride much better as a group as a consequence of three very simple calls!

A good pace on the A31, Ciaran asks if we think the pace is ok, we all say its ok, though he mutters something about not being sure he'll be able to keep that pace up! We stop for a brief rest after 26 miles at Four Marks, and decide to do another 6 miles before turning back so Ciaran can get back - down a great hill, hitting 38mph, round the roundabout and it dawns on me that we have to go back up that hill we've just come down!

Tim see's the hill and he's off! Splitting the team quite considerably! Iain and Simon hang back with Ciaran who is stuggling a bit today. Eventually Paul and I decide that we should chase Tim and get him to stop and let the other's catch up. A fun short sprint and we eventually catch Tim, who has stopped just off the main road. The others fly past and we rejoin the main road behind them. Back to riding as a team for the next few miles.

We end up in the middle of a time trail competition, with trialists flying past us! Paul successfully tries to catch the wheel of one of them, only to be hauled back by a shout of "easy" from somewhere behind me!

After about 45 miles we stop and say goodbye to Ciaran, who cycles back to Guildford on his own, the rest of us to a u-turn and go back towards Winchester again on the same road and learn to "chain-gang". A technique that lets everyone in turn take the lead for 30-60 seconds, then drop off, let the others past, and rejoin at the back of the pack. The miles fly by and the average speed ticks up!

Just before we had planned to stop, at the same place in Four Marks, Simon gets a puncture, Iain stops to check if he's ok, the rest of us carry on to the petrol station for a rest and refill of water+Zym and energy bars!

Down that hill again, round the roundabout, and back up the hill again - harder work this time! More "chain-gang" activity on the way back to Farnham. As we approach Guildford we head off to Woking, the rain comes down, but Simon leads us at a good pace and our spirits don't appear to be dampened by the rain! Paul completes his 100 miles just before reaching home and leaves us to cycle the remaining 6-8 miles to clock-up our 100!

Simon gets another slow puncture bang-on 100 miles, a slight pause and then off on the last leg of our training session - just one little hill left and we are back at Iain's - greeted by Jules and my Mom and Dad who are down to meet the team. Pizza, soup, rolls, orange juice is all waiting :-) A great team ride, and a good chat about how things are going on the fundraising side of things - Jules is doing some amazing stuff!! My Mom and Dad are going to be driving the van and following the team on route in the actual event - keeping the team's spirits up - something that I know I'll appreciate!!

I set off home about 5pm and get home just before 6:30pm - kids to bed - Clare's off out for a girl's night out so I get the chance to rest! Plan to do 40 miles tomorrow...

Friday, 14 March 2008

Feeling better!

14 Mar 2008

I'm feeling better today! I went to the last session of the Aplha course last night, which was good for giving me some time and space to reflect! I'd like to thank Dick, Marie, David and all the other leaders for running the course, and I'm looking forward to meeting up again in April...

I've also had a really good meeting this morning demonstrating a new product, ADAPT Tracker, our company is launching, it went down really well!

I'm in the office with all my notes so I can do the things I wanted to do yesterday and get them out of the way before the team ride tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to cycle with a clear head!

I have picked up the team's event business cards, kindly produced by Mosaic in Brighton, so we can distribute them at the weekend!

My bags are packed and I'm picking Tim up at 8:30pm for the drive down to Guildford! Looking forward to seeing my parents tomorrow too!! Must not forget Jack and Georgia's Easter presents!

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Feeling low...

13 Feb 2008

With the team ride on the horizon, I'd like to be feeling in a better mood. Unfortunately, I'm just not enjoying things at the moment! It's been a real struggle to get out on the bike this week.

Yesterday, I slept through my alarm, and when I did eventually get out, it was incredibly windy! I struggled with a new 20 mile route - there are bits of the route I've done before at 16mph, but today with the wind I was struggling to do 10mph! A couple of cross winds nearly blow me off the bike!

Today a different, more familiar 22.5 mile route, felt better and quicker, but I just can't shake off the blues! I wonder whether I am suffering from fatigue? Maybe all that speed at the weekend took more out of me than I thought...

I'm working from home today, though the notes I need are at work - I did try to go into London to get them, but there was a fatality on the line and the trains were cancelled. Time for lunch now...

Sunday, 9 March 2008

The Power of Chicken Soup

Sunday 9 March

Up at 7:30am and out by 8am, I had arranged to meet Tim at Papworth about 8:30am, so I have half an hour to do an unknown distance by sketchy route, I have pieced together a map from cycle routes available in the bedroom of the hotel an I manage to complete the 9 miles in 30 mins - a good starting speed!

Tim had been waiting for about 5 mins, and had done 24 miles more than me by this point! I am concious that I should be fresher than Tim, but the speed we head off at across Cambridgeshire, Tim obviously wasn't tired! I can confirm that Cambridgeshire is very flat!

No hills to speak of for the first 40-50 miles! Our average speed of over 18mph over the first 60 miles was quite amazing, though we did have a slight tail wind most of the way - and as I said it was very flat!!

I hadn't had much breakfast, so at 43 miles we stop at Tesco in Newmarket and I get a sandwich to supplement the maltloaf! We also spot a lady with her electric pedal cycle, something I suggest we should think about using - especially for the hills!

Anyway back on the ride we start to find hils around Haverhill which come as a bit of a shock to the system! We are overtaken by another cyclist who must have been doing 22-23mph, we were doing 17.5mph and we were left for dead! We justify this by assuming he must have just started out and we were having a chat!

Tim takes up some interesting back roads on the route back to Saffron Walden - very narrow! I think both Tim and I were struggling a bit on the last 15 miles to Saffron Walden, but a timely call from Tracey offereing tea and soup gave us the kick start we needed to get back to Tim's house.

I stop to say hello, chat to the kids, and have a cup of tea and a bowl of chicken soup - very welcome!! After a 30 minute stop I get back on the bike, wondering how I am going to deal with the ride back home!

To my surprise, I feel much better! I realise that if I got straight home I am only going to do about 85 miles, so I add on some of my regular training route to get closer to 100 miles...

As I turn away from Stortford and head out to Takely, it chucks it down with sleet and rain! After 92 miles the rain has eased and I'm thinking about how good it feels to be out on the bike, the next minute I find myself face down in the grass verge! Not really sure what happened, but I clipped the kerb and flew off the bike, fortunately no damage done to me or the bike!

Back on the bike and head for home, as I turn into our road the trip distance ticks over 100 miles with an average speed of 16mph. A great ride - thanks to Clare, Clive and Teresa for allowing me to take up most of the day with cycling!

Saturday, 8 March 2008

The Wedding!

8 March 2008

Today is Abbey and Paul's Wedding Day! Clare's parents are coming to stay for the night to look after the kids while we go to the reception at Buckden Towers in Cambrdgeshire.

A slightly chaotic morning (what's new about that!?),
  • Clare to the hairdressers at 8am
  • pick up jacket from the dry cleaners
  • bits of food shopping
  • car wash
  • change Isobel's shoes - they were too small!
  • pack clothes and bedding (we are staying in dorms)
  • get the kids changed into smart clothes
  • get ready and to the church for midday
  • print map for route tomorrow!
The wedding was fantastic! So much music - lead by people the Pugh's know from Celebrate. A packed church with lots of singing and smiling! Abbey looked stunning in her dress, so did the bridesmaids!

A quick stop at home between the wedding and the reception for a cup of tea and to load up the car with clothes, food and the bike :-) I'm cycling back to Stortford tomorrow from Buckden (the long way!)

The party was fabulous, little formality, a constant flow of food and drink, speeches from more people than I can remember, lots of live music, dancing, chatting and drinking! Though I manage to restrain myself to a couple of pints somehow! Unfortunately I didn't have the same restraint for the curry! That might be interesting tomorrow!

As the evening progressed, the thought of sleeping in dorms became less appealing! So I booked into the George Hotel over the road from Buckden Towers and had a much better nights sleep than I otherwise would have!

The hotel room had a selection cycle route maps that allowed me to piece together a route to meet Tim in the morning as I can't find the map I printed!

Friday, 7 March 2008

Local Press Coverage

7 Mar 2008

I take Joe to football on Friday night's, and apparently I am now a local celebrity! The other parent's inform me that I'm in the local paper! Obviously we have a copy at home, but for those of you who haven't got a copy...

Page 15, 6 Mar, Bishop's Stortford Observer

And Tim has also been in the paper!

Saffron Walden Weekly News, Page 4, 28 Feb 2008

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Early blasts!

Thur 6 Feb 2008

An earlier start today! Today is packed...
  • cycling (get up at 5:20am)
  • 3 meetings at the MS Society (from 9am)
  • workshop at Group NBT (at 1:30pm)
  • Alpha course after work
I leave the house at 5:40am and know I need to be home for about 6:30 to shower, eat, change, park the car and get the train by 7:23...

Another crisp morning and given the time constraints I blast round the 15 mile route in just over 50 mins averaging 16.4mph. I think this is that fastest average speed to date, though it was a short ride!

My personal bests are now:
  • Avg speed 16.4mph
  • Total distance in a single ride/day 84 miles
  • fast speed 46mph
  • Avg HR 136
Looking forward to the alpha course as I type on the train - arriving at Bishop's Stortford!

Wed 5 Feb 2008

An early start, it's been 3 days without cycling now, so my legs are fully recovered! I feel really up for cycling this morning, leave the house at 6:20am and feel really focused. There's no wind, no rain and it'll be light soon!

A fast pace compared to the long ride on Saturday - just over 16mph. Hills don't appear to be hills anymore - not after the weekend! I'm on a 30 mile circuit and get back to Stortford just after 8am, decide that it would be nice to see the kids before I go to work so I cycle to their school - they should be at breakfast club!

No sign of them yet, I'm just about to head off and Clare and the kids pull in to the car park - lovely kisses through the chain link fence and then they run round for big hugs! See them into breakfast club and say goodbye to Clare before heading home.

Put the bike in the shed and then realise that I only have one house key - not two! I can get into our hall, but not the house! Clare agrees to kindly come back from work and let me in after crushing some ice for her first lesson. While waiting I stretch and try to keep warm! Once in, I take a shower and I'm off to work!

Monday, 3 March 2008

Mother's Day...

Sun 2 Mar 2008

Not sure how I feel about writing a post about Mother's Day. I am very aware that today is probably a very difficult day for Iain and Jules without Fraser, I am thinking of them both and hope that they don't find the day too tough.

I'm woken at 6:45 by Amy (as usual!) and send her back to bed for a bit! Is that cruel? About 20 mins later she re-appears with Joe and Isobel! They come in bringing cards and gifts for Mummy! I have decided not to do a ride today and enjoy the day with the family. We are going out for lunch at The Malt Shovel with Sally and her kids and Nan, so there are 4 mothers to give thanks to!

Before lunch we go to St Joseph's church in Burntwood, a lovely mass - the kids went out for the children's liturgy and also made more cards Mum - flowers, with messages in the petals saying why the love Mum! I get chance to say hello to Peter and Valerie Kelly and thank them for sponsoring me.

We have a great traditional Sunday lunch (I managed 3 starters care of children's left overs!), a good play on the park and a kick about with the football that Jack and Joe appeared to enjoy! Back to my parent's for coffee.

A lovely weekend, and am feeeling much better about cycling again after spending time with my parents and feeling their support and enthusiasm for what I am doing!

Saturday, 1 March 2008

When the wind blows!

Sat 1 March 2008

Well it's just past midnight and we are finally at my Mom and Dad's house and the kids are in bed! What a journey! Very wet and windy, huge spray from lorries, closed motorway, diversion, stop at 24 hour Tesco for cough medicine, late, tired! Maybe this isn't ideal preparation for a long ride!

Put the Zym in the fridge and decided not to set the alarm - though the kids wake me up at 7ish anyway! A good breakfast, porridge, toast and jam, fruit juice and time to let it go down! I'm not rushing off today. I say hi to my Mom - she was in sensibly in bed when we arrived (earlier this morning!). Clare gets a lie-in!

I have planned an 80ish mile ride, from Burntwood to Hendesford, Rugely, Stoke, Leek, Ashborne, Sudbury, Lichfield and back to Burntwood! Agree to meet my family half way round for a bit of a rest and some lunch - a good support team practice for my Mom and Dad! A few photos are taken and Clare and Amy wave goodbye from the upstairs window! My Dad follows me to the end of the road...

It's very strange riding through Burntwood! Past Rochester Avenue where we used to live, up Redwood Drive - my old walk to school (past the lamppost I walked into once!), past the Pugh's, Sally's new house, the fire station, my old primary school, Sankey's Corner (where we used to play snooker in our 6th form games lessons!). But there are also lots of changes, new buildings, pedestrianised roads, new roundabouts (or is that islands?)!

Up to Heath Hayes, past the end of my Nan's road, the shop we used to walk to from her house to get sweets/comics from when we were little! On to Hednesford and fast down through Slitting Mill - past many routes I've taken on my mountain bike in the past! Out past the Wolesey Arms the venue for a few family meals in the past! It's all been into a very strong head-wind so far!

I'm now out of familiar territory, on the way towards Stone - take a right towards Cheadle to get off the main road - some good hills, a brief stop for malt loaf and text progress! On to Stoke and up and down many hills towards Leek. Leek is at the top of several hills! Brief call to Clare and Dad to agree where to meet up. I am passed by Clare in the car with the kids waving! We stop at a layby for lunch and a chat! It is lovely to see everyone and the food is very welcome!

The last 20 miles were with a very very strong cross wind (though it felt like a head-wind!). My Dad smiles when I talk about the hills I have done, and say's you haven't seen anything yet! They have just driven the route I am about to do going home. The family head off to DoveDale as I head off for the 40 mile homeward ride!

The first 10-15 miles after my stop I have a tail wind! Just to the south of the peak district, some long gentle climbs, and a couple of long fast decents :-) 46mph at one point! Out of Ashbourne I am presented with one of those hills! You know - the ones with a crawler lane!

The A515 from Ashbourne to Lichfield is a great road - some steep hills, but some long stretches of rolling hills enable me to pick up some decent speed! The "best" hill being the one through the National Forest - certainly required getting out of the saddle! I get to the top and pass a cyclist smiling going the other way - he's going to have a cracking descent!

It's tough going from Yoxall to Lichfield - wind has picked up again - almost finding it impossible to pedal forwards on flat roads! Mad! From Lichfield to Burntwood via Pipehill, my family pass me about 2 miles from home! Clare runs me a bath - lovely!

84 miles and it felt hard work at times, but in that wind - must have been worth 100 miles! Wonder how Tim and Iain got on this weekend?