Sat 15 Mar 2008
Last night was a bit frantic, I managed to get home from work in time to put the bike rack on the car and pack my cycling stuff for the weekend before taking Joe to football. Joe's football skills are really improving, he's had two "Player of the Day" awards in the last week - this is probably down to the amount of football they play at school in break times.
We got back about 7:45pm and celebrated Isobel's baptims day, with Isobel blowing out the candle on her cake! Managed to get Amy and Joe in bed by about 8:20pm and Isobel read to herself. Clare had the Beavers' leader Mick coming round to go through stuff this evening. I left about 8:30pm and picked up Tim from the station, loaded his bike onto the bike rack and we made our way off to Guildford, arriving about 10:15pm.
By the time we had unloaded, had a chat and some lovely curry, it was time to get some sleep as we are off at 7am in the morning.
The alarm woke me at 6am, made some porridge, ate some muffins, tea and orange juice. A good breakfast! All of a sudden it was time to go, a frantic 5 mins getting stuff on and we were off just after 7am.

Ciaran's son is in a play in Guildford at midday, so we plan to do about 50-60 miles together before he heads back and leaves us to complete our 100 miles. There's an easy ride down the hill into Guildford, followed by a long slow hill up to the A31 which we join and head off towards
Winchester. After about 4 miles Simon decides to stop quite abruptly in a laybay and we all nearly pile into the back of each other.
We get a quick lesson on team riding and communication. Shout "easy" if you feel yourself drop off the back of the rider in front. Shout "all on" when everyone is back together again. Shout "stopping" if you are leading and want to stop! We head off again and ride much better as a group as a consequence of three very simple calls!
A good pace on the A31, Ciaran asks if we think the pace is ok, we all say its ok, though he mutters something about not being sure he'll be able to keep that pace up! We stop for a brief rest after 26 miles at Four Marks, and decide to do another 6 miles before turning back so Ciaran can get back - down a great hill, hitting 38mph, round the roundabout and it dawns on me that we have to go back up that hill we've just come down!
Tim see's the hill and he's off! Splitting the team quite considerably! Iain and Simon hang back with Ciaran who is stuggling a bit today. Eventually Paul and I decide that we should chase Tim and get him to stop and let the other's catch up. A fun short sprint and we eventually catch Tim, who has stopped just off the main road. The others fly past and we rejoin the main road behind them. Back to riding as a team for the next few miles.
We end up in the middle of a time trail competition, with trialists flying past us! Paul successfully tries to catch the wheel of one of them, only to be hauled back by a shout of "easy" from somewhere behind me!
After about 45 miles we stop and say goodbye to Ciaran, who cycles back to Guildford on his own, the rest of us to a u-turn and go back towards Winchester again on the same road and learn to "chain-gang". A technique that lets everyone in turn take the lead for 30-60 seconds, then drop off, let the others past, and rejoin at the back of the pack. The miles fly by and the average speed ticks up!
Just before we had planned to stop, at the same place in Four Marks, Simon gets a puncture, Iain stops to check if he's ok, the rest of us carry on to the petrol station for a rest and refill of water+Zym and energy bars!
Down that hill again, round the roundabout, and back up the hill again - harder work this time! More "chain-gang" activity on the way back to Farnham. As we approach Guildford we head off to Woking, the rain comes down, but Simon leads us at a good pace and our spirits don't appear to be dampened by the rain! Paul completes his 100 miles just before reaching home and leaves us to cycle the remaining 6-8 miles to clock-up our 100!
Simon gets another slow puncture bang-on 100 miles, a slight pause and then off on the last leg of our training session - just one little hill left and we are back at Iain's - greeted by Jules and my Mom and Dad who are down to meet the team. Pizza, soup, rolls, orange juice is all waiting :-) A great team ride, and a good chat about how things are going on the fundraising side of things - Jules is doing some amazing stuff!! My Mom and Dad are going to be driving the van and following the team on route in the actual event - keeping the team's spirits up - something that I know I'll appreciate!!
I set off home about 5pm and get home just before 6:30pm - kids to bed - Clare's off out for a girl's night out so I get the chance to rest! Plan to do 40 miles tomorrow...