An earlier start today! Today is packed...
- cycling (get up at 5:20am)
- 3 meetings at the MS Society (from 9am)
- workshop at Group NBT (at 1:30pm)
- Alpha course after work
Another crisp morning and given the time constraints I blast round the 15 mile route in just over 50 mins averaging 16.4mph. I think this is that fastest average speed to date, though it was a short ride!
My personal bests are now:
- Avg speed 16.4mph
- Total distance in a single ride/day 84 miles
- fast speed 46mph
- Avg HR 136
Wed 5 Feb 2008
An early start, it's been 3 days without cycling now, so my legs are fully recovered! I feel really up for cycling this morning, leave the house at 6:20am and feel really focused. There's no wind, no rain and it'll be light soon!
A fast pace compared to the long ride on Saturday - just over 16mph. Hills don't appear to be hills anymore - not after the weekend! I'm on a 30 mile circuit and get back to Stortford just after 8am, decide that it would be nice to see the kids before I go to work so I cycle to their school - they should be at breakfast club!
No sign of them yet, I'm just about to head off and Clare and the kids pull in to the car park - lovely kisses through the chain link fence and then they run round for big hugs! See them into breakfast club and say goodbye to Clare before heading home.
Put the bike in the shed and then realise that I only have one house key - not two! I can get into our hall, but not the house! Clare agrees to kindly come back from work and let me in after crushing some ice for her first lesson. While waiting I stretch and try to keep warm! Once in, I take a shower and I'm off to work!
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