Monday, 24 March 2008

Solo 50+

The kids had a great day with Clive and Tersa yesterday. Joe played "rugby" with Grandad, there was a even a bit of golf in the garden, despite the snow! Oh and we built snowmen outside the college.

I went out on the bike about 9:30am on a 50+ mile route after Tim had called to say he was still decorating! A new route - out to Standon on the A120, down the old A10 (up and down some nice hills), to Ware (yes Rob - near Hertford), along the A414 to Harlow on the dual carriageway out to Leaden Roding, Dunmow (stop for a rest at 40 miles) and home along the old A120 via Takely.

Again, the last 10-15 miles we are hard slog against the wind, but worse still my legs still feel empty, and the back of my right knee aches (this started after using the big cog on the 105mile team ride).

I get home and spend the rest of the day finishing assembling things in the study - going to bed at 1am with very tired legs and an 9am workshop in the morning. Not sure what my cycling plans are this week yet...

My dilemma is... Do I continue to cycle with aching legs, or do I let them rest? Maybe I need to do more stretching...


Anonymous said...

Hello John - well done on your continued improvements. I expect your aches and twinges are a result of the increased training distances, and are probably exacerbated by the cold weather. I recommend seeing a good friend of mine, Jim Weatherburn ( who's a sports therapist. He's a lifelong cyclist and runner and an Ironman triathlete too. He'd be able to catch any slight problems before they become injuries which would keep you off the bike. You might benefit from leg massage too to aid recovery. He has a clinic in B Stortford. I suggest asking him to check your position on the bike too, especially shoe-plate alignment. All the best with it.

Anonymous said...

D'oh! Last comment by me - Mark F

Iain said...

John - I had knee problems early on in the training, and found adjusting my saddle helped.

As Mark said, the sport therapist would be able to check your position - also I'm sure Ciaran would have some advice.

My pain was at the front of the knee, and was completely resolved by raising the saddle 1/2 inch and moving it back 1/4 inch. Took a few rides to get it right, but no issues at all now.
