Tim has the luxury of a train ride to Peterborough before he cycles 60ish miles back to Saffron Walden. After a few last minute tweaks to the route (I was happy to do a few extra miles to avoid the Peak District!), we set off about the same time, about 10:45am (considerably later than we will be starting each morning on the event itself!).
I head out of Doncaster down the hill to Sheffield, under the Tinsley viaduct, and out towards Chesterfield via the Sheffield ring road. As Sheffield is built on seven hills, the only way out of Sheffield is up hill. Up hill for a long time!
The ring road takes me via Manor Top, no pizes for guessing why it get's its name! The hill just goes on and on. With tired legs I try to keep my speed as close to 10mph as I can, but there are some steep bits where I just can't go faster than 5mph!
The top is marked by the tram station, I look back over the city I where went to University and met my wife, Clare, with great memories! I pulled away from the traffic lights and without really thinking crossed the tram tracks. My front wheel gets stuck in the tram tracks, the wheel jolts right and throws me off the bike in the opposite direction.
Luckily no trams or cars about, so I drag the bike to the side of the road and do a quick inspection! A few scratches, but the wheel isn't buckled, which is very fortunate. Sadly, my bib tights were not so lucky - ripped open exposing a gash to my knee. My arm is covered in mud but no serious damage. The lights change from red to green a few times and eventually I get back on the bike and set off again.

I've still got about 65 miles to go, its cold, wet and my knee hurts! But at least its down hill and I think its a tail-wind. The A61 into Chesterfield is all dual carriageway and its down hill for what feels like 4-5 miles - a long fast down hill, 35mph feels great.
I stop in Chesterfield to check the route and let my Mom and Dad know my progress. They are planning on meeting me between Ashbourne and Belper for some support practise. Coming out of Chesterfield its a long gentle rise, I get passed by another couple of cyclists as I struggle to clip in to my pedals at a roundabout! I follow them as they slowly head off into the distance in front of me!
After about 10 miles the hail returns, ripping in to my face. The two cyclists who passed me are sensibly taking shelter in a bus stop and having a snack! I just keep going, and turn off the A61 towards Belper. A quiet, beautiful road, looking out over the hills.
I remember that roads that cut corners of main A-roads usually involve lots of ups and downs. This is no exception (a look at the map later and I see those chevrons that indicate steep hills), my knees are killing me and its tough work! I check my map at the next main junction and take a main road that adds a couple of miles, but it has a railway running parallel to it so I rightly assume its a bit flatter!
Into the centre of Belper, then turning right on to the Ashbourne road. Up another tough hill, I eventually pass my Mom and Ddad going in the opposite direction! The support team arrive with lunch and first aid kit :-) Much appreciated! But no water :-(
After a good break I head off towards what my Dad informs me is a 1 in 10 climb about a mile long. What fun! The support team pass me at the top and head off in the search of water! They stop off in Ashborne and I go past some time later.
After about 10 miles I start to wonder where they have got to! I call my Dad and they were back in Ashbourne having turned back not thinking I would have got as far as I had!
I continue to Sudbury where the support team eventually catch up and I stop for another break, 56 miles done - 20 miles left.
After the final 20 miles I arrive at my parents house about 5pm! A few photos of my knee and a lovely bath (Radox Muscle Soak :-).
Sally pops round for tea - the first time just the four of us have had a meal together in ages! An evening watching the golf with my feet up. I don't think I'll cycle to Sheffield tomorrow - but I will do a few miles!

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