Saturday, 28 June 2008
Friday, 27 June 2008
Following the Event?
- Updates on the Race For CHASE website (
- Updates on the Race For CHASE Blog (
It's all very quiet!
Isobel has her cycling proficiency today and Monday, so things were a bit of a rush - getting the bike out, tightening the brakes, pumping up the tyres, raising the saddle - good practise - maybe?!
Clare has gone off to work, though I am going to pop in to see her at lunch time before I set up to say goodbye!
I've got a few things to sort out and I'm just hoping I have everything I need! I'm picking Tim up just after 1pm and then we head off to Guildford to meet up with the team before the journey to Land's End tomorrow!
900 miles, 5 days, next week!! Can't wait now!

Thursday, 26 June 2008
Latest Weather forecast...
29 June
- Land's End, Mostly cloudy with a couple of showers. Winds from the SW at 19 km/h.
- Bristol, Clear periods. Winds from the SW at 12 km/h.
30 June
- Bristol, Pleasant with sunny periods. Winds from the W at 16 km/h.
- Chester, Clear periods. Winds from the WSW at 4 km/h.
1 July
- Chester, Cloud giving way to some sunshine. Winds from the SSW at 9 km/h.
- Moffat, Mainly clear. Winds from the SSE at 12 km/h.
2 July
- Moffat, Sunny and pleasant. Winds from the SSE at 17 km/h.
- Kingussie, Mostly cloudy and mild. Winds from the SSE at 12 km/h.
3 July
- Kingussie, Mostly cloudy. Winds from the SSE at 14 km/h.
- John O'Groats, Sunny periods. Winds from the SSE at 20 km/h.
Maybe the wet weather gear will not be needed after all, and the winds look favourable!!
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Superb Support!
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Thinking about the weather!
It made me think that if we were leaving Land's End today, it probably couldn't be better! Strong westerly winds and a mixture on sunshine and cloud. We would be blown most of the way to Bristol!
Anyway, I decided to check out the long range weather forecast! Here goes...
29 June
- Land's End, Sunny spells and patchy cloud. Winds from the SW at 24 km/h. High: 18 °C
- Bristol, Mostly cloudy. Winds from the WSW at 12 km/h. Low: 11 °C
- Bristol, Cloudy with thunderstorms. Winds from the WSW at 14 km/h. High: 19 °C
- Chester, Rain. Winds from the WSW at 8 km/h. Low: 9 °C
- Chester, Cloudy with showers and thunderstorms. Winds from the S at 14 km/h. High: 18 °C
- Moffat, Rain. Winds from the WNW at 12 km/h Low: 8 °C
- Moffat, Occasional rain. Winds from the W at 30 km/h. High: 15 °C
- Kingussie, Cloudy with thunderstorms. Winds from the W at 24 km/h. High: 16 °C
- Kingussie, Plenty of cloud with thunderstorms. Winds from the W at 19 km/h.
- John O'Groats, Mostly cloudy. Winds from the ESE at 11 km/h. Low: 11 °C
Weather for:
Land's End
John O'Groats
Saturday, 21 June 2008
Damp and drizzle
The bike felt great, it's like riding a new bike. The new chain rings, rear cassette and chain made the whole bike feel like a single unit again - no clonking, rattles or jumping chain.
I did one of my original training routes that I haven't done for a while, down to Harlow, back through Hatfield Heath and a bit of a diversion round Birchanger on last leg! 23.5 miles in just over 1hr and 15 mins, about 18mph.
Iced the knees and took a shower before standing in the rain to watch Joe play footy. I took the opportunity to ask the Dads for sponsorship and got another £160 on the sponsorship form!
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Service drop off...
After dropping off my bike I popped round to say hello to Tim - the local paper had just been delivered and there is a full page article on the Race for CHASE :-)

I get home and print off some personalised flyers (thanks Mand) and deliver them to the local neighbours. I've got more still to deliver, and I'm be back out again at the weekend with my sponsorship forms knocking on doors!!
Monday, 16 June 2008
Checking in with HQ...
Sunday, 15 June 2008
Hog Roast
It's our parish hog roast at 1pm today, I've decided not to go out on the bike and spend time with Clare and the kids - they have supported my so much over the past 6 months - I can't begin to thank them enough!
While eating silly amounts of roast pig, I manage to gain £160 worth of sponsorship from friends, and I now need to sort out leaving a sponsorship form at church!
Saturday, 14 June 2008
Last 100+ ride before the event...
I had planned a route out West towards Berkhamsted to do a hill Rich recommended, so I set off on a now familiar route from Bishops Stortford, across Hertfordshire, through Ware, Hertford, Hatfield, St Ablans, Hemel Hempsted towards Berkhamsted.

I'm not too sure I found the appropriate right hand turn out of Berkhamsted towards Ivinghoe, as the hill Rich described didn't appear to materialise! I think I went round the Ivinghoe Beacon rather than up it! Oh well - there was a nice long stead climb anyway - just not sure if it was the one Rich had planned!
After 60 miiles I get to Toddington and decide it's time for a rest. It's been quite tough going, heavy legs, and into a slight headwind all the way so far, but my average speed was still about 16.5 mph so I guess that's ok. I stop at a petrol for food, lucozade sport and a much needed toilet stop!
Back on the bike, out of Buckinghamshire, up to Amptill on the A507 in Bedfordshire. Turn right and head East - tail wind - yeah!
Tha A507 is a big, wide, good quality A road. Very fast, but cars give you loads of room! Somehow I'm doing something like 20-22mph for a good 15 miles, great fun! As I get towards Baldock, Tim texts me and we agree to meet up at the Tesco petrol station in Baldock. After a bit of a rest, stretch and chat, we head off on the final leg of my ride!
Out of Baldock, up the hill, Tim is much stronger than me, though I guess I had done 50 miles more at this point! Its good for my average speed though as it gets dragged up above 17mph. A nice ride through Buntingford and on the back roads to Puckeridge and Standon. Then cross country out of Standon and up a hill that I had only ever done the other way round before. A good gentle coast down into Much Hadham, and the back up the B1004 via the 1 in 8 up hill and the golf club beofore getting home!
107 miles, and no reaction from my knee! Very pleased, and home for 1pm. Things are starting to feel acheivable! I say goodbye to Tim as he heads back to Safron Waldon, and contemplate the fact there is now not much more I can do before the ride itself!
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
A new regime?
I went to see Jim, my physio, again this evening, and he is happy with the state of my knee. After a thorough massage and stretch, we agreed to leave the physio for a week and meet up just before the event for a last treatment - before any post event reconstruction!
My bike has been booked in for a service on the 20th June, which gives me a bit of time to ride it and check it over before the event and make sure the new chain rings, rear cassette and chain feel ok!
Monday, 9 June 2008
Happy Brithday Joe!
Sunday, 8 June 2008
Busy weekend...
Clare arrives later to pick up Oliver and then joins us for our community meal.
After a late night for all, it's up early for mass, and the Joe gets to open the first of his birthday presents (before his football party this afternoon). He loves his new Liverpool kit.
After church, lots of food to be prepared, Clive and Tersa arrive and help keep the kids occupied!
Joe has a great party at the local Boy's High school gym - 20 7 year olds kept under control by the brilliant Andy from Soccer Development with games, matches, penalty shoot-outs, shouting, chanting, etc!
After avoiding a food fight and dishing out party bags, we leave the school, as we leave two large branched from a very large tree come crashing down on our car! Fortunately we were all ok, though the car has several dents and lots of scratches...
A great weekend, looking forward to next week now!
Friday, 6 June 2008
Late into work...
A new route - out to Much Hadham and then the back roads to Standon (nice long climb), along the old A10 to Ware and then back to Stortford via Widford and Much Hadham.
28 miles done, but I don't make it to work till 10:30...
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Late for the physio...
Jim was pleased my knee had held up well over the weekend though he still thinks we are mad.
An all over leg massage helped both legs feel a lot better after the long rides at the weekend!
Hope fully I'll get out on the bike in the next couple of days...
Sunday, 1 June 2008
Last Team Training Ride - Day 2
Up at 6am again for the second day of our final team training ride before the event! All seven of us turned up - nobody appears to be struggling too much after yesterday! The weather doesn't look so good today, so I've got my overshoes and waterproof jacket on!
Iain's takes us up a big hill out of Guildford (nice way to warm up on a damp drizzley morning!) to the A31 were we double draft on the dual carriage-way down to somewhere near Alton. There's lots of spray from the other bikes as I sit at the back!
After about 20 miles I feel a bit of a twinge in my right knee (the "good" knee of recent times), but nothing much. After about 25 miles we stop so Henry can stretch, he's knees are sore too. After another 5 miles or so we get to the bottom of a 5 mile climb, time for a toilet stop and another stretch!
We all go at our own pace on the hill - I head off with Iain and Tim, up the steep first bit, and then on to the long gentle climb. We go at a decent pace, about 17 mph up the hill, enjoying pushing it hard! We get to a village and Tim and I are in front wondering if this is the top, then we turn the corner and realise there is still more to got! Tim takes the lead and gradually pulls away...
We finally reach the top and get a good rest (and a Mars bar) as the others gradually congregate at the top of the hill.
Henry makes it to the top, but is struggling with his knee and has decided to call it a day - not wanting to risk it this close to the event. Ciaran has had problems with his rear hub and the bike is just free-wheeling - not much fun trying to get up a hill! So Henry and Ciaran wait for Glenda to pick them up as the remaining five of us get to enjoy the fast decent and rolling hills of the next 10 miles or so.
We head back by a route I fail to keep track of, just following the wheel in front, and after 57 miles we are back in Guidford at Iain's house for a snack.
After 40 mins or so, we are back out initially doing the reverse of the route we had just taken. The hill up to Haslemere just went of for ever, but a good challenge! My right knee started to head, so we headed back the quickest way to Guildford - back up the A31 and back the same route as yesterday. Still we completed another 48 mailes, totalling 105 miles for the day, and over 250 miles for the weekend!
A bit of time for a stretch, ice on the knee, and a shower - blasting my legs with cold water before Tim gives me a lift back home.
On the way back round the M25, my Aunty Judy and Uncle Brian see us on the motorway - recognising the poster in the car and seeing the bikes on top. I didn't find out about this till Monday!