29 Feb 2008
I am going to visit my parent's this weekend, and am planning to do an 80 mile ride on my own tomorrow. The furthest I've done on my own so far is about 40 miles. I've been spoilt recently with team rides and outings with Tim, but tomorrow I'm on my own.
I'd only managed to get out on the bike once this week, and felt the need to get out this morning and do a short 20 mile ride before work. I've not been feeling particularly fired up this week, and the thought of going out and doing 80 miles on my own is a bit daunting!
Managed to get out about 6:15am, though I was feeling thirsty before I left home - not a good start. Managed to cycle about 50 yards before remembering that I wanted to lower my seat a bit! It felt too high in Tuesday after the adjustments on Sunday.
Sipping drink going up the A120, I accidently dropped my bottle in the middle of the road. As I stopped and turned round, cars and lorries were kindly avoiding my bottle! Dashed in to the road to pick it up and get back on the bike. So I've done 3.77 miles and stopped twice. Eventually get going again, but it feels very slow this morning.
After about 14 miles I need to stop again for a natural break. I glance at my chain, rust? I hadn't cleaned the bike or oiled the chain after the wet ride on Tuesday - silly really. Anyway I managed to pick up the pace a bit for the 7 mile cycle home. All in all, a frustratingly bity ride, without really getting into a good rhythm. Still another 20 miles, time to clean the bike and oil the chain. Looks a bit healthier now!
Thoughts on the event
You may have noticed that there were no entries for the couple of weeks
before the ride. This is due to a) Me trying to get everything done in time
both ...
16 years ago