Friday, 29 February 2008


29 Feb 2008

I am going to visit my parent's this weekend, and am planning to do an 80 mile ride on my own tomorrow. The furthest I've done on my own so far is about 40 miles. I've been spoilt recently with team rides and outings with Tim, but tomorrow I'm on my own.

I'd only managed to get out on the bike once this week, and felt the need to get out this morning and do a short 20 mile ride before work. I've not been feeling particularly fired up this week, and the thought of going out and doing 80 miles on my own is a bit daunting!

Managed to get out about 6:15am, though I was feeling thirsty before I left home - not a good start. Managed to cycle about 50 yards before remembering that I wanted to lower my seat a bit! It felt too high in Tuesday after the adjustments on Sunday.

Sipping drink going up the A120, I accidently dropped my bottle in the middle of the road. As I stopped and turned round, cars and lorries were kindly avoiding my bottle! Dashed in to the road to pick it up and get back on the bike. So I've done 3.77 miles and stopped twice. Eventually get going again, but it feels very slow this morning.

After about 14 miles I need to stop again for a natural break. I glance at my chain, rust? I hadn't cleaned the bike or oiled the chain after the wet ride on Tuesday - silly really. Anyway I managed to pick up the pace a bit for the 7 mile cycle home. All in all, a frustratingly bity ride, without really getting into a good rhythm. Still another 20 miles, time to clean the bike and oil the chain. Looks a bit healthier now!

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

The wind and the rain....

Tuesday 26 Feb 2008

Out for a short 20 mile ride this morning just after 6am. Wetter and windier than of late, but still refreshing! Took a slightly different route this morning heading out east to Little Hadham, then south towards Much Hadham and through the back roads to High Wych, then on to the usual route through Sawbridgeworth and Hatfield Heath and back home. Put my clothes in the wash before heading off to London for work!

Planning on doing the same route again tomorrow and Thursday. Though I need to be in work for 9am tomorrow...

Monday, 25 February 2008

In the press?

Monday 25 Feb 2008

I had a call from the local paper last week and called them back today. Had a good chat about the event and why we are doing what we are doing. Hopefully something will appear in print soon!

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Another Early Start!

Sunday 24 Feb 2008

For once getting up at 5:45am didn't feel silly! It wasn't cold, frosty, wet or windy. It was calm and relatively warm! Set off just after 6am to meet Tim somewhere near Newport. As I cycled through Newport I began to wonder if Tim was up! A single light glowed in the distance!

I turn round and cycle back through Newport with Tim and we take a turning heading out towards Debden. It's lovely at that time in the morning, quiet, calm, no traffic! We took the back roads around the south of Saffron Walden and then headed out past Finchingfield towards Weathersfield, past Richard and Sandy's house and the village hall where Richard is directing Fiddler on the Roof in a couple of weeks time! On towards Braintree, up and down more hills than either Tim or I expected to find in Essex! Round Braintree on a bit of dual carriageway, and then back onto B-roads out to Witham - a good road, long, mostly flat, and got up some good speed (well Tim did and I hung on in there!).

Stopped briefly for a call of nature and some malt loaf, and on to Malden (53 miles) - the furthest East on our ride today, but we were too early for a cup of tea from the pub on the quayside! Just before we reached the quayside, we stopped to consult the map, on setting off again I cycled straight into the back of Tim's bike and promptly fell off sideways - feet still firmly in cleats. It must has looked hilarious to anyone passing! Anyway, the seat twisted and trying to get it aligned and the right height didn't quite work.

Another uncomfortable 30 miles to go to get back home for me, and 14 on top of that for Tim. The rise out of Malden is a long slow climb, against the wind. I struggled to match Tim for speed and my legs felt empty! Though it was quite an amazing view looking over Chelmsford from the top of the hill at Danbury. And the down hill into Chelmsford was a very welcome free mile or so!

Just the other side of Chelmsford we stop for more water (and a Mars bar), and the last 20 miles were a lot better after that! I left Tim at Hockerill lights in Bishop's Stortford and headed home (completing 83.5 miles) for a lovely Sunday lunch with the family after a game of footy in the back garden with Joe and Amy!

Got a text from Tim, he made it to Quendon and needed a lift from Tracey to get home. I'm not surprised, cycling on your own is hard especially after 87.5 miles carrying me most of the way! Thanks Tim! We'll have to organise something for a couple of weeks time...

Total Miles for the week: 153.5 miles

Saturday, 23 February 2008


Saturday 23 Feb 2008

I had originally planned to cycle to Buckden Towers this morning to get to my Alpha Course, but decided that I wanted to be fresh for a planned 80 mile ride with Tim tomorrow so I opted for a day off cycling!

The Alpha Course, focused on the Holy Spirit. I was Christened when I was young, and went to Sunday School, but as a family going to church was reserved for Christenings, weddings and funerals. This is not something I would like to change, there is no way I would have been able to play football three times at a weekend if we had gone to church on a Sunday morning!

In fact not being a cradle Christian has allowed me to discover the spiritual side of my life slowly over a period of nearly 20 years! From supporting my wife, Clare, with her faith, watching our children's faith grow through their school and church life, to seeing and experiencing the love and support of our local Catholic community in Bishop's Stortford.

Our Heart of Faith group meet a couple of times a month, thanks to the wonderful hospitality of Kevin and Rachel Pugh. They open their house on a Saturday night, we all bring and share food - we just feast on whatever people bring! Rachel and Kevin have a wonderful family, full of talented musicians and dancers!

The musicians get out their drums, guitars, keyboards and we have a great time of praise! We look at the weeks Gospel and we pray together, we are thankful, but also offer prayers for those we know need them. Something 20 years ago I would have never seen myself doing, but something that if I now go too long without I begin to thirst for.

The all day Alpha Course helped me realise that being a Christian didn't mean I had to be somebody different! It helped me realise that opening my heart to God's love I can be more me!

Getting back from the Alpha Course, we had a quick turn-round and out to the Heart of Faith group. Clare had cooked the most wonderful root vegetable caserole - something that Abbey now wants her to cook for her wedding reception in two weeks time - at Buckden Towers! A place I a really looking forward to going back to!

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Rush Hour...

21 Feb 2008

The day started with a 100 mile drive to Rugby for a workshop at the Insitute of Chemical Engineers, a really good bunch of people - it's so much more enjoyable when people actively participate in these sessions! A quick review of the workshop over lunch with the team and back hoome again, just in time to pick the girls up from school.

Joe had footy after school, I took Isobel, Amy and Amy's friend home and started to prepare tea and get changed into my cycling kit. Clare returned home about 4:45pm and I got out on the bike. I am picking up Rachel for the Alpha course at 6:45pm so I only really have time to do about 20 miles.

It's rush hour, so I take the back roads out of Bishop's Stortford, through Allens Green to High Wych - the wind is much stronger than of late, and into my face! As I turned towards Sawbridgeworth from High Wych the wind was behind me and I flew past the rush hour traffic :-) Back through Hatfield Heath and home via Windhill (aptly named tonight). Quick shower and off out!

Looking forward to the ride with Tim on Sunday :-)

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Eating before riding...

Tuesday 19 Feb 2008

I found out what it feels like to eat too much just before going out on the bike today! I had lunch on the way home from a meeting in Cricklewood and got home about 30 mins later. I am working with a guy in Canada at the moment, so I needed to talk to him later in the day - so I decided to kill a couple of hours by going out on the bike.

It was lovely, sunshine, not too cold, slight breeze, ideal conditions really. Loaded the bike up with Zym and set off. After about 2-3 miles I felt rubbish! I couldn't get comfortable and my lunch kept repeating on me! Sipping Zym just made me feel worse! Took me 10 miles before I started to feel ok!

I've also inherited the dreaded squeak from Paul! Paul's saddle squeaked the whole way to Chichester and back at the weekend - I don't know how he put up with it! Now my bike has an occaisional squeak, I think it may well be saddle related too. Though I can't quite pin-point it!

During my ride I even braved the heart of Harlow at school-run time - silly really, but it meant I could take the back roads from Harlow past the Dusty Miller, through High Wych, Allens Green and Spellbrook rather than the all too busy road from Harlow through Sawbridgeworth to Bishop's Stortford.

It was an enjoyable 30 mile ride, but I won't be eating so much before I go out on a ride again in the near future!

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Out again!

Sunday 17 Feb 2008

Not much time for a ride today, managed to fit in 20 miles in 1hr 15mins between getting back from church and Clare leaving to take Isobel to a party, before heading off to Ikea for some stuff for the study!

I took Joe and Amy to the park! Amy can now start, ride and stop all by herself on her bike, and Dad and Joe played football and rugby with Joe's friend Harry and his Dad!

Need to arrange rides for the coming week, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and a big 80 mile ride with Tim on Sunday - well that's the plan for now anyway!!

Saturday, 16 February 2008

First full team ride...

Saturday 15 Feb 2008

After a night in Fraser's room on the blow up bed, the alarm woke me at 6:50am, dozed until 7:10am. Still feeling nervous about the ride, though I'm always like this before I go out!

Had some breakfast with Iain and Tim before getting my kit on for the day. I heard Rich stop by before he went for a warm up ride on his bike - as if the 70 miles wasn't going to be enough!

The team slowly assembled at Iain's before 8:30am and we cycle gently 2-3 miles through Guildford to get to CHASE. Bridget welcomes us with juice, water, tea and cake before telling us about the work they do at the hospice. Christopher's is not just a children's version of an adult hospice, it is a whole lot more than that to the families that need it.

They have amazing facilities, play rooms for youngsters, a hang-out zone for teenagers, they have parties, take the children out on all sorts of activities like fishing, they learn to cook, they paint, they have music rooms to listen and play along, they have a pool, they have sleep-overs. There is so much energy in the place it is truely inspiring!

The staff are passionate and have some much love to give the children and families, but there is also a sense of frustration that they could do so much more and support so many more families if the government would provide more funding. Children's hospice's are just not funded by the NHS...

Andrew Castle came along to meet us, talk to us about our event and have photos taken with us to help promote and publicise the event. He even noted that our event was during Wimbledon and would try to mention us during his commentry! We also met the Mayor of Guildford, who had turned up in his cycling shorts to meet us!

After the tour of CHASE we were off our our team ride - 70 miles, to Chichester and back via the South Downs. For Tim and me this would introduce the concept of hills! Something we don't have a lot of in Essex!

We set off at a steady pace, just under 15mph, and got the feel of riding together, said goodbye to Ciarán after about 10 miles - he needed to get back to pack for his skiing holiday! Though he was encouraged by what he had seen of our riding so far!

Continued the ride to Chichester via Pepworth and Duncton (the start of the hill!). Managed 5mph up the hill, and at the top looked out across the fields and saw two stags in the distance staring at us! Going down the other side was spoilt by a tractor pulling out in front of me! Grrrr.

Made it to Chichester for a cup of tea and some more malt loaf before heading back!

Slightly slower on the way back as we were in to a slight head wind, but saying that, we couldn't have asked for better weather really - it was glorious!

After a couple of big hills on the way back and a minor altercation with a car cutting us up badly, we were back in Guildford just as Ciarán was about to leave. Jules was out with the camera to record our return from a great first team ride!

After a shower, some toast, malt loaf and tea, I loaded the bikes on the car and took Tim back to Saffron Walden before heading off to Rachel's 50th birthday party...

Friday, 15 February 2008

Working from home...

Friday 15 Feb 2008

Managed to work from home today, had a good chat with Iain about the Race for CHASE business cards. eMosaic have kindly offered to provide us with business cards for the event, for which we are very grateful!

Also took the opportunity to get my kit ready for the Team Training Ride tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the ride, but am a little nervous! I've not riden in a group of riders before and I'm not really sure how it'll work out! However I am looking forward to the visit to CHASE tomorrow to find out more about their work, and meet Andrew Castle who is sponsoring our event.

Helped get Joe's football kit ready and clean his boots for tomorrow and put the kids to bed (they had been out all day), and was off to stay with Iain and Jules about 8:30pm. Got to Guildford just after 10pm, had a good chat with Iain, Jules & Tim, before getting some sleep...

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Please be quiet!

14 Feb 2008 (Valentine's Day :-)

Maddy and Martha are staying with us for a couple of days during half term, Martha is sort of a cousin to our kids and they don't get to see each other very often, so it's lovely to have them to stay!

I needed to get out for a ride this morning, the last chance to do some more miles before the team ride on Saturday, so I set the alarm for 6:30am (rather that 5:45am - Maddy was sleeping downstairs and 5:45am is a bit of a rude time to wake a guest - though 6:30am isn't much better!)

Tip-toed downstairs, got dressed in the dark, glugged some orange juice & water and was ready to go - nearly. Forgot my Zym! Back through the living room, into the kitchen to get to the fridge - trying not to disturb Maddy!

Eventually I was off, much warmer this morning than of late (+2C, not -2C!), though I felt very thirsty, maybe that was the pint I had after the company meeting last night?

Good ride through Hatfield Broad Oak, Hatfield Heath, Sawbridgeworh and a new de-tour out towards the Hadhams from Spellbrook. 24 miles in 1.5 hours and back for breakfast :-) Exchanged Valentine's cards with Clare :-) I think she liked the "I love you" Marmite - for lovely marmite lovers! Can't stand the stuff myself!

Eventually I made my way to the station to go to work, only to realise I'd left my cards at home so couldn't pay for my ticket! Rang Clare who came out in pyjamas to bring me my cards!

Thanks Clare :-)))

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Floating on air :-)

Tuesday 12 Feb 2008

I'd read Simon's post on his blog about the difference in changing from his mountain bike to his road bike, I had expected it to feel better, I had not expected it to feel soooooooooooooo good!

OK so the Roubaix is half the weight of the old bike, I should have expected it to feel better than the hybrid bike, what I hadn't anticipated was how smooth the ride on the new bike would be. Nothing clonks, no thumb shifters (which to be honest have really started to affect my right hand), a gentle hum as it whistles along the road.

Having hardly slept last night thinking about getting out on the bike, I was like a kid at Chrsitmas! I think I took my excitment out with me onto the road - I just grinned at the ease of riding it and the speed I could do! I'll ride it slower and more sensibly tomorrow, but this morning I just had to play! It was cold and foggy, but that didn't matter. The ride flew by, hills were easier, 23 miles in an hour and a half :-)

You will also be pleased to know the pedals didn't fall off...

I can't wait to get out on Thursday morning - big grin :-)))

Monday, 11 February 2008

Ready for the off!

Monday 11 Jan 2008

Managed to get to Evans Cycles on High Holborn today to get a new light - one that supports handlebars that are thicker than normal due to the brake & gear cables being hidden under the handlebar tape - something I hadn't even thought about before!

At 10pm, after tea, I managed to get out to the shed, attach the new light and my rear light to the new bike, not forgetting the little bag with spare tube & tools! Then moving the trip computer and magnet from the old bike to the new bike. Oh! And the pedals, better not forget those! Must buy some more pedals, can't keep Laurence's pedals forever!

I am going to take the appropriate allen key for the pedals tomorrow - just in case they fall off! I'm sure my Mom & Dad would agree that this is a wise precaution knowing what my practical skills are like sometimes!!

Zym is made up and in the fridge, malt loaf is sliced up, clothes are laid out in the living room ready from a quick get away in the morning! It still amazes me how long it takes me to get everything sorted out before a ride!

Anyway - time for bed, need to be up at 5:45am in the morning!

Sunday, 10 February 2008

So what's the new bike like then?

Sun, 10 Feb 2008

The short answer is - I don't know yet! Having planned to go out with Tim at 6:30am this morning, I couldn't get my existing lights to fit on the new bike - arrrggghhh! So at about 11pm last night I finally admitted defeat and put the pedals back on the old bike ready for the ride in the morning!

Woke at 5:45am this morning - not much milk left, so toast & jam plus a banana before I left the house at 6:32am. I had arranged to meet Tim somewhere near Quendon on the old road to Cambridge from Bishop's Stortford, after about 7-8 miles I see a bright yellow jacket and single light heading towards me!

We head off the main road down the back roads to Clavering (the home of Jamie Oliver's parent's pub), and stop to look at the route I'd been given by my old boss from BT. Fortunately Tim knew most of the route, actually Tim knew the route too well - he knew a couple of diversions that had good hills. I think my definition of a good hill is different from Tim's!

Through some lovely villages, past some very old traditional pubs, munching Malt Loaf, sipping Zym, out towards Royston, where Tim points out that give or take a few meters we are at the highest point in Essex (just above sea level I think :-). Back towards Duxford passing a huge gro up of 60+ club cyclists, and then leaving Tim to finish off his ride as I head back down past Audley End, Newport, Ugley, Stansted and back to Stortford.

63.5 miles later, I'm back home, and feeling a lot happier about the prospect of the 70 mile team ride next week! Apparently we are going to the seaside!

Challenge for the week - to get out on the new bike! Probably need some more lights!

Oh! Nearly forgot, my 5 year old daughter, Amy, has just learnt to ride her bike without stabilisers - she's very pleased with herself, and I'm a very proud Dad! Maybe she will do LEJOG one day!

Total Miles for the week: 111.5 miles

Saturday, 9 February 2008

New bike!

Sat 9 Feb 2008

After the school disco last night I had a lie-in this morning - thanks Clare! I was out at footy with Joe this morning - I think he is showing great promise as a powerful central defender! I avoided the bacon bap this morning - though it was difficult standing on the side of the pitch smelling that bacon!

Dumped Joe's mud soaked clothes in the washing machine, sorted out the bike rack and had a bit of lunch before the trip down to Guildford to pick up my bike!

Good run down, and lots of help from Jackie at Beyond Mountain Bikes to make sure the bike was setup properly :-) Looks great with the the red Keo pedals :-)

Joe's had a good game of Feeding Frenzy on e's xBox and they are now playing Pro-evolution Soccer. Going to have a light tea before going back home - to get ready for a ride with Tim tomorrow - we are hoping to meet up somewhere near Quendon at about 7am in the morning :-0

Friday, 8 February 2008

More chaos!

Friday 8 Feb 2008

After a day working from home and week 5 of the Alpha course, I have a crazy day ahead today!

I've been up since 5:30am, I've done 22 miles on the bike, though I was up against time this morning! Needed to be in Basildon for 9am!

Managed to get home for 7:40am after a good ride, found a new hill that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be :-) and overtook 2 other cyclists on their way to work :-) On returning home, things were just stirring in the Wright household! Quick shower, change, breakfast, kiss goodbye for tha family and off to work by 8:10am. Made it to Basildon by 8:50 - 10 mins to spare - time for a coffee!!

Just about to go back home now, drop the car off for it's MOT, into London to see Rob & James and work out the logistics for next week and prepare for a workshop at Carphone Warehouse.

Need to be back to pick the car up by 6pm - and it's the School Disco tonight (Joe has decided that the disco is more important than football! Well he did do footy on Thursday nd he has footy on Saturday, so I guess that's probably the right decision!). Clare is looking forward to not having to do the disco on her own again!!!

Not sure whether I am going for a ride tomorrow, or whether the voucher has turned up at work so that I can pick my new bike up. I am hoping to do a long ride on Sunday, though need to sort that out with Tim & Laurence later this afternoon sometime.

I think I am going to enjoy a small glass of wine this evening :-)

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Back in the saddle...

Wed 6 Feb 2008

At last, I'm delighted to be woken up at 5:30am! I think I spent most of the night dreaming of getting up early and getting out on the bike - Maybe I'm going mad!

Out on the bike just after 6am, and feeling better for the few days off. Good ride, 26 miles before breakfast. Faster than on Saturday (which I put down to the fact it was a lot warmer this morning), and avg HR was 143 (again much lower than the 150 I had been averaging).

Nice to see the sunrise again! Anfd back home just in time to see the kids and Clare leave for school/work.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Bike has arrived...

Tuesday 5 Feb 2008

Received a phone call from Beyond Mountain Bikes. My new bike has arrived in their shop. I just need my CycleScheme voucher now! Apparently the voucher has been issued, I hope it turns up before Saturday.

No ride again today, trying to make sure the cold has gone before I get back out on the bike...

Monday, 4 February 2008

Under the weather...

Monday 4 Feb 2008

Feeling full of cold today, I've taken the day off work as my nose is streaming and I have a hacking cough. Let's hope it eases tomorrow so I can get back out on the bike!

Sunday, 3 February 2008

The light stuff...

Sunday, 3 Feb 2008

Woke up at 9am this morning in a hotel in Guildford - the kids were having a great time at Granny and Grandad's and we were enjoying the lie in!

e's party last night was fun, lots of people (probably too much talking about cycling), singing (not sure how e managed to get me singing Dizzy...), drinking, eating (lovely duck/pancakes & plum sauce). At the end of the evening agreed with e to meet for breakfast about 10am and get directions to Beyond Mountain Bikes so that I could order my bike!

Breakfast was great (bacon, sausage, egg & toast :-), and Iain had already printed off directions to the bike shop, though after Jules had lead us the right way out of Guildford, we struggled to follow the remaining directions! We eventually realised that we had missed the shop about 8-10 miles past Cranleigh. We eventually found the shop and tried out a couple of bikes for size, couldn't quite believe how light they were.

Settled on a Specialized Roubaix Elite, which has a carbon frame that is supposed to help absorb some of the shock as well as being light. Just need to get me voucher from the CycleScheme, so that I can pick up the next week. If all goes well I will get the chance to get out on the bike a few times before out first team ride on the 16 Feb after our visit to CHASE - an opportunity for us to talk about our event and get to see the care they provide to families with children who have a short life expectancy.

After a cup of tea, we returned to Granny and Grandad's for a lovely lunch before our journey home...

Next week I hope to do a couple of rides during the week, and a longer ride (50-60 miles) at the weekend!

Saturday, 2 February 2008

Happy Birthday e!

Sat 2 Feb 2008 - Iain's Birthday!

An interesting day today, I feel the need to share some of the logistical complexities of life with 3 kids and trying to fit in training!

Joseph has football at 10-11:30
Amy has a party in Dunmow at 11am-1pm
Isobel has piano lessons at 10:30-11
Isoblel has ballet/tap/modern lessons at 11:20-1:05pm
Clare is helping with First Holy Communion preparation 2-4pm
Iain's 40th Birsthay party in Guildford at 8pm :-)

Given the overlapping choas and the need to get to Clare's parents in Surrey before heading off to the party, fitting in a ride this weekend is a challenge!

I decided last night that the only way was to get up at 5:30am (on a Saturday!), get out for just after 6am and then ensure I am back around 9am so that I can get showered and changed before taking Joseph to footy.

A window of 3 hours, so I decided to do a loop of about 37 miles. While the plan seemed sensible at 11pm last night, at 5:30am this morning I was not so sure, it was soooooooooooo cold!

After about 2 miles I thought my fingers were going to fall off! And my toes were getting cold. Despite this, I soon warmed up and and enjoyed the ride out to Dunmow - no cars - dark (I like riding in the dark - very peaceful!) - watching the sun slowly rise in the distance - beautiful!

My ride was slower today, not sure what the main contributing factor was, but one of the following...

  • cold toes
  • cold fingers
  • needing to go the the toilet every 10 miles
Seriously, I didn't mind going slow today, just happy to get some miles in and my average heart rate was down to136 (max 164), which is much lower than my usual avg HR of 150.

No ride planned for tomorrow.

Total miles for the week: 100 miles :-) ok, so that's only half the first day on the actual event!

I'm now looking forward to Clare getting home so that we can get down to the party and have some fun!

Friday, 1 February 2008

Starting the day right...

Friday, 1 Feb 2008

Another short ride before work this morning, just 17 miles, but enough to put me in a good frame of mind for the day. A friend suggested doing 20 mile rides before breakfast can help burn fat. Not sure if that's right or not - but gave it a go this morning, with Special K + raisins for breakfast on my return.

Looking forward to a 40 mile ride in the morning before Joe's football, and then on to Iain's party in the evening...