Saturday, 2 February 2008

Happy Birthday e!

Sat 2 Feb 2008 - Iain's Birthday!

An interesting day today, I feel the need to share some of the logistical complexities of life with 3 kids and trying to fit in training!

Joseph has football at 10-11:30
Amy has a party in Dunmow at 11am-1pm
Isobel has piano lessons at 10:30-11
Isoblel has ballet/tap/modern lessons at 11:20-1:05pm
Clare is helping with First Holy Communion preparation 2-4pm
Iain's 40th Birsthay party in Guildford at 8pm :-)

Given the overlapping choas and the need to get to Clare's parents in Surrey before heading off to the party, fitting in a ride this weekend is a challenge!

I decided last night that the only way was to get up at 5:30am (on a Saturday!), get out for just after 6am and then ensure I am back around 9am so that I can get showered and changed before taking Joseph to footy.

A window of 3 hours, so I decided to do a loop of about 37 miles. While the plan seemed sensible at 11pm last night, at 5:30am this morning I was not so sure, it was soooooooooooo cold!

After about 2 miles I thought my fingers were going to fall off! And my toes were getting cold. Despite this, I soon warmed up and and enjoyed the ride out to Dunmow - no cars - dark (I like riding in the dark - very peaceful!) - watching the sun slowly rise in the distance - beautiful!

My ride was slower today, not sure what the main contributing factor was, but one of the following...

  • cold toes
  • cold fingers
  • needing to go the the toilet every 10 miles
Seriously, I didn't mind going slow today, just happy to get some miles in and my average heart rate was down to136 (max 164), which is much lower than my usual avg HR of 150.

No ride planned for tomorrow.

Total miles for the week: 100 miles :-) ok, so that's only half the first day on the actual event!

I'm now looking forward to Clare getting home so that we can get down to the party and have some fun!

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