Maddy and Martha are staying with us for a couple of days during half term, Martha is sort of a cousin to our kids and they don't get to see each other very often, so it's lovely to have them to stay!
I needed to get out for a ride this morning, the last chance to do some more miles before the team ride on Saturday, so I set the alarm for 6:30am (rather that 5:45am - Maddy was sleeping downstairs and 5:45am is a bit of a rude time to wake a guest - though 6:30am isn't much better!)
Tip-toed downstairs, got dressed in the dark, glugged some orange juice & water and was ready to go - nearly. Forgot my Zym! Back through the living room, into the kitchen to get to the fridge - trying not to disturb Maddy!
Eventually I was off, much warmer this morning than of late (+2C, not -2C!), though I felt very thirsty, maybe that was the pint I had after the company meeting last night?

Eventually I made my way to the station to go to work, only to realise I'd left my cards at home so couldn't pay for my ticket! Rang Clare who came out in pyjamas to bring me my cards!
Thanks Clare :-)))
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