At 10pm, after tea, I managed to get out to the shed, attach the new light and my rear light to the new bike, not forgetting the little bag with spare tube & tools! Then moving the trip computer and magnet from the old bike to the new bike. Oh! And the pedals, better not forget those! Must buy some more pedals, can't keep Laurence's pedals forever!
I am going to take the appropriate allen key for the pedals tomorrow - just in case they fall off! I'm sure my Mom & Dad would agree that this is a wise precaution knowing what my practical skills are like sometimes!!

Zym is made up and in the fridge, malt loaf is sliced up, clothes are laid out in the living room ready from a quick get away in the morning! It still amazes me how long it takes me to get everything sorted out before a ride!
Anyway - time for bed, need to be up at 5:45am in the morning!
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