Sunday, 4 May 2008

7 rings...

After going to bed past midnight, 5:40am feels very early! By the time I've got everything sorted out I'm out of the house before 6:30am and heading off towards Great Dunmow.

My legs are heavy this morning, but I plod on assuming it'll get better once I've done a few miles. It usually does! It's trying to rain this morning, but I think the sun is going to win that battle today.

As I cycle through Takely, I hear and feel what feels like a stone hitting my rear wheel. There are no cars or people about, so I can't really make sense of it. I carry on and a couple of miles later I hear something rubbing on the rear brake blocks. I stop to take a look, a bit annoyed at having to stop after just 10 miles, and realise that a spoke has popped out and my wheel is now somewhat out of shape.

It's 7:05am. Not really sure what to do! I have no idea how to fix it, or even if I should be able to fix it!

I call home, no answer, leave a message. I call home again, and again, and again. After 7 attempts I manage to wake Clare and she drowsily answers the phone. I explain the situation. I suggest she gets herself and the kids ready for mass and then bring me some clothes and pick me up.

Clare turns up about 8:30am, we load the bike into the car, I get changed, and we head back to Stortford (via home to pick up some shoes!). We make it in time for 9am mass, the kids were great this morning!

After mass we tidy the house and car before Granny and Grandad arrive. Head out to the Ballet Show where Isobel and Amy were superb! I have to admit, that as it was the last day of the Championship football season and the Owls could still go dow, I did spend time during the performances checking the scores. To my relief, by the end of the show, Wednesday were safe, and Leicester were relegated.

Nothing planned tomorrow, other than spending time with the family. I got a text from Tim saying he had done 65 miles today - I'm very jealous!

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