Tim picked me up about 9pm last night - a bit later than planned. By the time the bikes were loaded onto the roof of his car and Tim had set up his 3G field trial, it was nearly 10pm and we were off. Nice to catch up on the drive round the M25 - I think we are both looking forward to the event being completed now!
Got to Iain's about 11:20pm. Just time for a cup of tea before bed! I am looking forward to an evening with Iain where we can drink a couple of glasses of scotch - maybe on the 3 July at John O'Groats :-)
Up at 6am, breakfast, stretches, getting dressed, waiting for the rest of the team to arrive - all very prompt today and we are off about 7:10am, though I think we woke Jules and the neighbours - oops - sorry!

We set of at a mad pace and were in Horsham before we knew it, glancing at the average speed, we ave been doing over 19mph - way too fast to sustain! Beautiful countryside, quiet roads, and a warm dry morning - couldn't ask for better really!
A few miles outside Brighton and Paul joins me at the front advising how to tackle Devil's Dyke, a two-part hill before a decent into Brighton. His tip was after the first bit there's a small decent - get up as much speed as you can to get most of the way up the next bit! Thanks! Paul also pointed out the white bike half way up, where a cyclist had been killed - as Paul has said before, a reminder to us all of our own mortality. A good climb, but the decent was more enjoyable - dropping into a busy Brighton and a ride along the sea front before a brief pause at 45 miles.
I take a bit of video and a few photos, and text Clare, Teresa and Kate about where we were and that we would be in Worthing later...
Along the coast, stop - start - stop - start, lots of red traffic lights. Not the best for my knee! Through Worthing, I get a text from Teresa saying she, Libby and her Mum are waving madly as we pass!
Next brief stop, just short of Portsmouth, Iain tells us of a climb up hill just before we get to the pub for lunch :-) A great view over Portsmouth from the top and we find The George for lunch! Julie is there with her camera :-)

A good stretch and then Orange Juice and water plus fish and chips - a great combination. We took about an hour over lunch, maybe a bit too long? More stretching before getting back on the bike for the remaining 50+ miles back to Iain's house. Julie follows snapping as we go!
Quite a few short stops on the way back (thanks for the banana cake Julie/Tracey) and the pace was a bit slow at times, but Henry deserves a big round of applause for completing his first 100+ mile ride! 147 miles with an average speed of just under 17mph - a very good ride, and my knee feels fine :-)))

I find out from Iain the Ciaran was not happy at being overtaken going up Jenner road, and that I shouldn't be aloud lunch in future :-)
Ice on the knee, stretches, and a shower before a meal at Simon's and a good briefing for the event itself. Ciaran delighted in telling us all about the hills on each day :-) Hats off to Julie for all the planning that has gone into the event!
In bed for 11pm - we are out at 7am again tomorrow...
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